--> 1st Time extension NIT No. 09/PR/TRZ-Patna/BSPTCL/2024
--> 1st Tender extension for NIT No. 39/PR/BSPTCL/2024 PR No. 015262(B and C) 2024-25
--> 4th Time extension NIT No. 32/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> 2nd Tender extension for NIT No. 37/PR/BSPTCL/2024 PR No. 013746(BC) 2024-25
--> NIT No. 04/PR/BSPTCL/2025
--> NIT No. 03/PR/BSPTCL/2025
--> NIT No. 02/PR/BSPTCL/2025
--> NIT No. 01/PR/BSPTCL/2025
--> 3rd Tender Extension Notice (NIT) No- 32/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> 3rd Tender Extension Notice (NIT) No- 36/PR/BSPTCL/2024 PR No 011628(B and C)/2024-25
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice (NIT) No- 37/PR/BSPTCL/2024 PR No 013746(B and C)/2024-25
--> NIT No. 08/PR/TRZ/MUZ/BSPTCL/2024
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice (NIT) No- 32/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> NIT No. 07/PR/TRZ/MUZ/BSPTCL/2024
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice (NIT) No- 36/PR/BSPTCL/2024 PR No 011628 (B and C)/2024-25
--> NIT No. 06/PR/TRZ/MUZ/BSPTCL/2024
--> NIT No. 39/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice (NIT) No- 33/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> NIT No. 06/PR/TRZ/MUZ/BSPTCL/2024
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice (NIT) No- 35/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> NIT No. 09/PR/TRZ-Patna/2024
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice (NIT) No- 32/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> NIT No. 38/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice (NIT) No- 36/PR/BSPTCL/2024, PR No 011628 (B and C)/2024-25
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice (NIT) No- 33/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> NIT No. 37/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice (NIT) No- 30/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> 3rd Tender Extension Notice (NIT) No- 27/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> NIT No. 36/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice (NIT) No- 27/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> NIT No. 01/PR/TRZ/BGP/BSPTCL/2024
--> Corrigendum for NIT No. 32/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice (NIT) No- 31/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice (NIT) No- 28/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> NIT No. 35/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> NIT No. 05/PR/TRZ/MUZ/BSPTCL/2024
--> NIT No. 34/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> NIT No. 30/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> NIT No. 08/PR/TRZ-Patna/2024
--> NIT No. 33/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> NIT No. 05/PR/TRZ-Patna/2024
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice (NIT) No- 27/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> 5th Tender Extension Notice (NIT) no- 26/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> NIT No. 32/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice (NIT) No- 28/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> NIT No. 31/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> 4th Tender Extension Notice (NIT) no- 26/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> 1st tender extension for NIT No. 29/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> 3rd extension NIT No. 26/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> NIT No. 07/PR/TRZ-PAT/2024
--> NIT No. 06/PR/TRZ-PAT/2024
--> NIT No. 27/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> 2nd Tender Extension NIT No. 25/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> 2nd Tender Extension NIT No. 26/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> NIT No. 05/PR/TRZ-PAT/2024
--> NIT No. 28/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> 2nd Tender Extension NIT No. 22/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> NIT No. 29/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> 1st Tender Extension NIT No. 26/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> 1st Tender Extension NIT No. 25/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. 22/PR/BSPTCL/2024, PR No. 004143
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. 19/PR/BSPTCL/2024, PR No. 002493
--> NIT No. 04/PR/TRZ-PAT/2024
--> NIT No. 04/PR/TRZ/MUZ/BSPTCL/2024
--> NIT No. 26/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> NIT No. 25/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. 17/PR/BSPTCL/2024, PR No. 001883
--> 1st Tender Extension NIT No. 16/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> NIT No. 23/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> NIT No. 22/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> NIT No. 24/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> NIT No. 03/PR/TRZ/MUZ/BSPTCL/2024
--> NIT No. 20/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> NIT No. 19/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> NIT No. 18/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> NIT No. 17/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> NIT No. 16/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> NIT No. 12/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> 4th Tender Extension NIT no. 15/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> 6th Tender extension NIT no. 04/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> 5th Tender Extension of NIT No 04/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> 3rd Tender Extension of NIT No 15/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> 2nd Tender Extension of NIT No 15/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> 4th Tender Extension of NIT No 04/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> 3rd Tender Extension of NIT No 04/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> 1st Tender Extension of NIT No 15/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> 1st Tender Extension of NIT No 11/PR/BSPTCL/2024, PR No 018856
--> 2nd Tender Extension of NIT No 04/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> 1st Tender Extension of NIT No 43/PR/BSPTCL/2024 PR No. 018211
--> NIT No. 12/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> 1st Tender Extension of NIT No 04/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> NIT No. 15/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> NIT No. 14/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> NIT No. 13/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> 2nd Tender Extension for NIT No 02/PR/BSPTCL/2024, PR no. 014748
--> NIT No. 11/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> NIT No. 01/PR/TRZ/MUZ/BSPTCL/2024
--> NIT No. 02/PR/TRZ/MUZ/BSPTCL/2024
--> Corrigendum for NIT No 04/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> 1st Tender Extension of NIT No 02/PR/BSPTCL/2024, PR no. 014748
--> NIT No. 10/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> NIT No. 43/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> NIT No. 06/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> NIT No. 03/PR/TRZ-Patna/2024
--> NIT No. 02/PR/TRZ-Patna/2024
--> NIT No. 07/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> NIT No. 06/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> NIT No. 03/PR/TRZ-Patna/2024
--> NIT No. 02/PR/TRZ-Patna/2024
--> 2nd Tender Extension of NIT No 40/PR/BSPTCL/202
--> Corrigendum-2 for NIT No 41/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> NIT No 05/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> NIT No 08/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> NIT No 09/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> 2nd Tender Extension of NIT No 32/PR/BSPTCL/2023 PR no. 12300
--> NIT No 04/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> 4th Tender Extension of NIT No 30/PR/BSPTCL/2023 PR no. 12025
--> 2nd Tender Extension of NIT No 38/PR/BSPTCL/2023 PR no. 13350
--> 1st Tender Extension of NIT No 41/PR/BSPTCL/2023 PR no. 13346
--> NIT No 03/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> 3rd Tender Extension of NIT No 30/PR/BSPTCL/2023 PR no. 12025
--> 1st Tender Extension of NIT No 37/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> 1st Tender Extension of NIT No 40/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> 1st Tender Extension of NIT No 38/PR/BSPTCL/2023 PR No. 13350
--> 1st Tender Extension of NIT No 39/PR/BSPTCL/2023 PR No. 13349/2023-24
--> NIT No 01/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> 2nd Tender Extension of NIT No 30/PR/BSPTCL/2023 PR No. 12025
--> 1st Tender extension of NIT No 36/PR/BSPTCL/2023 PR No. 012919
--> 1st time extension of NIT No 32/PR/BSPTCL/2023 PR No. 12300
--> NIT No 09/PR/TRZ/MUZ/BSPTCL/2023
--> NIT No 08/PR/TRZ/MUZ/BSPTCL/2023
--> NIT No 07/PR/TRZ/MUZ/BSPTCL/2023
--> NIT No 01/PR/TRZ-Patna/2024
--> NIT No 02/PR/BSPTCL/2024
--> 1st tender extension of NIT No 30/PR/BSPTCL/2023 PR no. 12025
--> 1st tender extension of NIT No 16/PR/BSPTCL/2023 PR no. 12026
--> Pre-bid extension notice for NIT No 36/PR/BSPTCL/2023 PR no. 012919
--> 1st Time extension of NIT No 28/PR/BSPTCL/2023 PR no. 011684
--> NIT No 41/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> NIT No 31/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> NIT No 40/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> NIT No 39/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> NIT No 38/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> NIT No 35/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> NIT No 37/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> NIT No 36/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> NIT No 34/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> NIT No 33/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> 3rd Time extension NIT No 26/PR/BSPTCL/2023 PR No. 9222
--> NIT No 32/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> NIT No 30/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> NIT No 29/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> NIT No 16/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> 2nd Time extension NIT No 26/PR/BSPTCL/2023 PR No. 9222
--> NIT No 28/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> NIT No 08/PR/TRZ-Patna/2023
--> NIT No 27/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> 1st extension notice for NIT No 26/PR/BSPTCL/2023 PR No 9222
--> 2nd extension notice for NIT No 24/PR/BSPTCL/2023 PR No 7269
--> 2nd extension notice for NIT No 25/PR/BSPTCL/2023 PR No 7268
--> 2nd extension notice for NIT No 23/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> 2nd extension notice for NIT No 22/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> 1st extension notice for NIT No 24/PR/BSPTCL/2023 PR No 7269
--> 1st extension notice for NIT No 25/PR/BSPTCL/2023 PR No 7268
--> 1st extension notice for NIT No 23/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> 1st extension notice for NIT No 22/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> 1st extension notice for NIT No 25/PR/BSPTCL/2023 PR No. 7268
--> NIT No 26/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> NIT No 06/PR/TRZ/MUZ/BSPTCL/2023
--> Corrigendum for NIT no 25/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> 1st extension notice for NIT No 04/PR/TRZ/MUZ/BSPTCL/2023
--> 1st Time extension notice for NIT no. -17/PR/BSPTCL/2023 PR No.5953
--> NIT No 25/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> NIT No 24/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> NIT No 23/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> NIT No 22/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> NIT No 21/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> NIT No 05/PR/TRZ/MUZ/BSPTCL/2023
--> NIT No 20/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> NIT No 19/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> NIT No 17/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> NIT No 18/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice of NIT No- 04/PR/TRZ-Patna/BSPTCL/2023 PR No-01568/2023-24
--> NIT No 15/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> NIT No 03/PR/TRZ/MUZ/BSPTCL/2023
--> 5th Tender extension of NIT No 07/PR/BSPTCL/2023 PR no. 14617
--> 1st Time extension of NIT No 13/PR/BSPTCL/2023 PR no. 000877
--> NIT No 06/PR/TRZ-Patna/2023
--> 4th Time Extension Notice of NIT No- 07/PR/BSPTCL/2023 PR No-14617
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice of NIT No- 12/PR/BSPTCL/2023 PR No-000824
--> NIT No 14/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> 1st Time Extension Notice of NIT No- 10/PR/BSPTCL/2023 PR No-16852
--> 3rd Time Extension Notice of NIT No- 07/PR/BSPTCL/2023 PR No-14617
--> NIT No 03/PR/TRZ-Patna/2023
--> NIT No 04/PR/TRZ-Patna/2023
--> NIT No 05/PR/TRZ-Patna/2023
--> NIT No 13/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> NIT No 12/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> NIT No 11/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> Corrigendum Tender Notice NIT NO. 07/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> 2nd Time Extension Notice of NIT No- 07/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> 2nd Time Extension Notice of NIT No- 06/PR/BSPTCL/2023(PR no.14407/2022-23)
--> NIT No 09/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> 1st Time Extension Notice of NIT No- 06/PR/BSPTCL/2023(PR no.14407/2022-23)
--> 1st Time Extension Notice of NIT No- 05/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> NIT No 10/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> 1st Time Extension Notice of NIT No- 07/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> NIT No 01/PR/TRZ-Patna/2023
--> 3rd Time extension Notice of NIT No- 53/PR/BSPTCL/2022, PR No 12425
--> NIT No 08/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> 1st Time Extension Notice of NIT No- 03/PR/BSPTCL/2023, PR No 13076
--> 2nd Time extension Notice of NIT No- 53/PR/BSPTCL/2022, PR No 12425
--> NIT No 07/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> NIT No 06/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> 1st Time Extension Notice of NIT No- 54/PR/BSPTCL/2022, PR No 12881/2022-23
--> 1st Time extension Notice of NIT No- 53/PR/BSPTCL/2022, PR No 12425
--> NIT No 05/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> Corrigendum-1st Time extension Notice of NIT No- 51/PR/BSPTCL/2022, PR No 11669
--> 2nd Time Extension NIT No 48/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> NIT No 04/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> 1st Time extension Notice of NIT No- 50/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> NIT No 03/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> NIT No 02/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> NIT No 01/PR/BSPTCL/2023
--> 1st Time Extension NIT No 48/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> NIT no- 54/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> NIT no- 53/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. -47/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> NIT No 52/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> NIT no 50/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> Corrigendum for NIT no 47/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> NIT No 51/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> 1st Time Extension Notice for NIT No. -02/PR/TRZ-Patna/2022 PR No 009307/2022-23
--> NIT No 48/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> 1st Time Extension Notice for NIT No. -45/PR/BSPTCL/2022 PR No 009547/2022-23
--> NIT No 49/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> 4th time extension for NIT No 39/PR/BSPTCL/2022, PR no. 8043
--> Extension Notice for NIT No. -44/PR/BSPTCL/2022, PR No 9308
--> NIT No 47/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> 3rd Time Extension Notice for NIT No. -39/PR/BSPTCL/2022, PR No 8043
--> 2nd Time Extension Notice for NIT No. -42/PR/BSPTCL/2022 PR No 8258
--> 2nd Time Extension Notice for NIT No. -39/PR/BSPTCL/2022 PR No 8043
--> NIT No 45/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> NIT No 46/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> NIT No 44/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> NIT No 41/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> 1st Time Extension Notice for NIT No. -42/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> 2nd Time Extension Notice for NIT No. -33/PR/BSPTCL/2022 PR No 6946
--> 1st Time Extension Notice for NIT No. -38/PR/BSPTCL/2022 PR No 08257
--> 1st Time Extension Notice for NIT No. -37/PR/BSPTCL/2022 PR No 7743
--> 1st Time Extension Notice for NIT No. -39/PR/BSPTCL/2022 PR No 8043
--> Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. -40/PR/BSPTCL/2022 PR No. 8042
--> NIT No 43/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> 3rd Time Extension Notice for NIT No. -23/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> 1st Time Extension Notice for NIT No. -35/PR/BSPTCL/2022 PR No 6763
--> 1st Time Extension Notice for NIT No. -33/PR/BSPTCL/2022 PR No 6946
--> Pre-bid Extension Notice for NIT no.-39/PR/BSPTCL/2022 , PR No. 8043
--> 1st Extension Notice for NIT No. -01/PR/TRZ-Patna/2022 PR No. 6794/2022-23
--> Pre-bid Extension Notice for NIT no.-37/PR/BSPTCL/2022 , PR No. 7743
--> 3rd Time Extension Notice for NIT No. -30/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> 3rd Time Extension Notice for NIT No. -28/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> NIT No 38/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> 3rd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. -21/PR/BSPTCL/2022 PR no. 5011
--> NIT No 42/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> 3rd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. -25/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> 3rd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. -24/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. -27/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. -28/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. -30/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> NIT No 39/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> NIT No 40/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> 3rd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. -26/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. -25/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. -24/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. -23/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. -29/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> 3rd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. -22/PR/BSPTCL/2022, PR NO-5013
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. -21/PR/BSPTCL/2022, PR NO-5011
--> 3rd Time Extension Notice for NIT No. -12/PR/BSPTCL/2022, PR NO-04360
--> NIT No 37/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> Tender Extension Notice of 01/PR/TRZ-Patna/2022
--> 1st Time Extension Notice for NIT No. -25/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> 1st Time Extension Notice for NIT No. -24/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> 2nd Time Extension Notice for NIT No. -20/PR/BSPTCL/2022, PR No 004684/2022-23
--> NIT No 33/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> 2nd Time Extension Notice for NIT No. -22/PR/BSPTCL/2022, PR no.5013
--> 1st Time Extension Notice for NIT No. -28/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> 1st Time Extension Notice for NIT No. -31/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> 1st Time Extension Notice for NIT No. -30/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> 1st Time Extension Notice for NIT No. -29/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> 1st Time Extension Notice for NIT No. -27/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> 1st Time Extension Notice for NIT No. -32/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> 1st Time Extension Notice for NIT No. -23/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> 1st Time Extension Notice for NIT No. -26/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> 2nd Time Extension Notice for NIT No. -12/PR/BSPTCL/2022, PR No 04360
--> NIT No 36/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. -21/PR/BSPTCL/2022, PR No-5011
--> 2nd Time Extension Notice for NIT No. -19/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> NIT No 35/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> NIT No 34/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> 1st Time Extension Notice for NIT No. -22/PR/BSPTCL/2022, PR No-5013
--> 2nd Time Extension Notice for NIT No. -13/PR/BSPTCL/2022, PR No-04371
--> NIT No. - 20/PR/BSPTCL/2022 PR No-004684/2022-23
--> NIT No. - 19/PR/BSPTCL/2022 PR No-004444
--> 1st Time Extension Notice for NIT No. -16/PR/BSPTCL/2022 PR No-4796
--> 1st Time Extension Notice for NIT No. -12/PR/BSPTCL/2022 PR No-04360
--> NIT No 32/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> NIT No 31/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> NIT No 01/PR/TRZ-Patna/2022
--> 1st Tender Extension of NIT No. -13/PR/BSPTCL/2022 PR No-04371
--> NIT No 30/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> NIT No 29/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> NIT No 28/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> NIT No 27/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> NIT No 26/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> NIT No 23/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> NIT No 25/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> NIT No 24/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> NIT No 21/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> NIT No 22/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> NIT No 16/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> NIT No 20/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> NIT No 19/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> NIT No 18/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> NIT No 17/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> NIT No 13/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> NIT No 12/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> NIT No 15/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> NIT No 14/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> NIT No 11/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> NIT No 10/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> NIT No 09/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> NIT No 08/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> NIT No 07/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> NIT no. 01/TRZ-Bhagalpur/2022
--> 3rd Tender Extension of NIT No. -01/PR/BSPTCL/2022 PR No-12128
--> NIT No 06/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> NIT No 05/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> 1st Tender Extension of NIT No. -03/PR/BSPTCL/2022 PR No-13856
--> 1st Tender Extension of NIT No. -02/PR/BSPTCL/2022 PR No-13858
--> 2nd Tender Extension of NIT No. -01/PR/BSPTCL/2022 PR No-12128
--> Tender Extension Notice for NIT No 04/PR/BSPTCL/2022, PR No-13857
--> 4th Tender Extension of NIT No. -49/PR/BSPTCL/2021 PR No-10039
--> 1st Tender Extension of NIT No. -01/PR/BSPTCL/2022 PR No-12128
--> 3rd Time Extension of NIT No. -49/PR/BSPTCL/2021 PR No-10039
--> NIT No 02/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> NIT No 03/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> NIT No 04/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> 4th Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. -47/PR/BSPTCL/2021 PR No-09343
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice of NIT No. -51/PR/BSPTCL/2021 PR No-10748
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice of NIT No. -53/PR/BSPTCL/2021-22 PR No-11276
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice of NIT No. -52/PR/BSPTCL/2021 PR No-10827
--> 2nd Time Extension of NIT No. -49/PR/BSPTCL/2021 PR No-10039
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice of NIT No. -51/PR/BSPTCL/2021 PR No-10748
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice of NIT No. -50/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> 3rd Tender Extension Notice of NIT No. -47/PR/BSPTCL/2021, PR NO-09343
--> NIT No 01/PR/BSPTCL/2022
--> 1st Tender Extension of NIT No. -49/PR/BSPTCL/2021, PR NO-10039
--> 2nd Time Extension of NIT No. -44/PR/BSPTCL/2021, PR NO-08921
--> NIT No 53/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> 1st Tender Extension of NIT No. -47/PR/BSPTCL/2021, PR NO-9343
--> 1st Tender Extension of NIT No. -46/PR/BSPTCL/2021, PR NO-08962
--> 1st Tender Extension of NIT No. -45/PR/BSPTCL/2021, PR NO-08963
--> NIT No 52/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> NIT No 50/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> NIT No 51/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> Corrigendum for NIT No-44/PR/BSPTCL/2021 PR No 08921
--> 4th Tender Extension of NIT No. -32/PR/BSPTCL/2021, PR NO-06090
--> NIT No- 49/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> 3rd Tender Extension of NIT No. -32/PR/BSPTCL/2021, PR NO-06090
--> 1st Tender Extension of NIT No. -43/PR/BSPTCL/2021, PR NO-08546
--> 3rd Tender Extension of NIT No. -36/PR/BSPTCL/2021, PR NO-06368
--> 3rd Tender Extension of NIT No. -34/PR/BSPTCL/2021, PR NO-06201
--> Short Tender Notice No- 48/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> NIT No- 47/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> 2nd Tender Extension of NIT No. -36/PR/BSPTCL/2021, PR NO-06368
--> 2nd Tender Extension of NIT No. -35/PR/BSPTCL/2021, PR NO-06205
--> 2nd Tender Extension of NIT No. -34/PR/BSPTCL/2021, PR NO-06201
--> NIT No- 46/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> NIT No- 45/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> NIT No- 44/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> NIT No- 43/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> 2nd Tender Extension of NIT No. -32/PR/BSPTCL/2021, PR NO-06090
--> 1st Tender Extension of NIT No. -31/PR/BSPTCL/2021, PR NO-07035
--> NIT No- 43/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> 1st Tender Extension of NIT No. -32/PR/BSPTCL/2021, PR NO-06090
--> NIT No- 42/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> 1st Time Extension of NIT No 38/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> NIT No- 41/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> NIT No- 40/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> 3rd Tender Extension of NIT No. -29/PR/BSPTCL/2021, PR No- 04842
--> NIT No- 03/PR/TRZ-Patna/2021
--> 2nd Tender Extension of NIT No. -02/PR/TRZ-Patna/2021
--> 2nd Tender Extension of NIT No. -29/PR/BSPTCL/2021, PR No- 04842
--> NIT No- 31/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> 4th Time Extension of NIT No. -22/PR/BSPTCL/2021, PR No- 3233
--> 4th Time Extension of NIT No. -21/PR/BSPTCL/2021, PR No- 3180
--> NIT No- 39/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> 1st Tender Extension of NIT No. -29/PR/BSPTCL/2021, PR No- 04842
--> 3rd Time Extension of NIT No. -23/PR/BSPTCL/2021, PR No- 3213
--> NIT No- 38/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> NIT No- 37/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> NIT No- 36/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> NIT No- 35/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> NIT No- 34/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> 3rd Time Extension of NIT No. -22/PR/BSPTCL/2021, PR No- 3233
--> 3rd Time Extension of NIT No. -21/PR/BSPTCL/2021, PR No- 3180
--> NIT No- 32/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. -25/PR/BSPTCL/2021, PR No- 3238
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. -24/PR/BSPTCL/2021, PR No- 3234
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. -23/PR/BSPTCL/2021, PR No- 3213
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. -22/PR/BSPTCL/2021, PR No- 3233
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. -21/PR/BSPTCL/2021, PR No- 3180
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. -28/PR/BSPTCL/2021, PR No- 003818
--> NIT No- 02/PR/TRZ-PATNA/2021
--> NIT No- 29/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. -22/PR/BSPTCL/2021, PR No- 3233
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. -21/PR/BSPTCL/2021, PR No- 3180
--> NIT No- 28/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> NIT No- 01/PR/TRZ-Patna/2021
--> NIT No- 27/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> NIT No- 26/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> NIT No- 20/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> NIT No- 25/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> NIT No- 24/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> NIT No- 23/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> NIT No- 22/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> NIT No- 21/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> 2nd time extension notice for NIT no. -18/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> NIT No- 19/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> 4th tender extension notice for NIT no. -10/PR/BSPTCL/2021, PR No- 14146 2020-21
--> 4th tender extension notice for NIT no. -14/PR/BSPTCL/2021, PR No- 14180 2020-21
--> 4th tender extension notice for NIT no. -13/PR/BSPTCL/2021, PR No- 14150 2020-21
--> 4th tender extension notice for NIT no. -12/PR/BSPTCL/2021, PR No- 14151 2020-21
--> 4th tender extension notice for NIT no. -11/PR/BSPTCL/2021, PR No- 14147 2020-21
--> 2nd tender extension notice for NIT no. -17/PR/BSPTCL/2020, PR No- 000500
--> 2nd tender extension notice for NIT no. -16/PR/BSPTCL/2020, PR No- 000528
--> 1st time extension notice for NIT No. -18/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-18/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. -14/PR/BSPTCL/2021 and PR No. 14180/2020-21
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. -13/PR/BSPTCL/2021 and PR No. 14150/2020-21
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. -12/PR/BSPTCL/2021 and PR No. 14151/2020-21
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. -11/PR/BSPTCL/2021 and PR No. 14147/2020-21
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. -10/PR/BSPTCL/2021 and PR No. 14146/2020-21
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-17/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-16/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> 2nd tender extension notice for NIT No. -07/PR/BSPTCL/2021 and PR No. 013566
--> 2nd tender extension notice for NIT No. -08/PR/BSPTCL/2021 and PR No. 013559
--> 1st Time Extension of NIT no. 14/PR/BSPTCL/2021, PR No.-14180/2020-21
--> 1st Time Extension of NIT no. 13/PR/BSPTCL/2021, PR No.-14150/2020-21
--> 1st Time Extension of NIT no. 12/PR/BSPTCL/2021, PR No.-14151/2020-21
--> 1st Time Extension of NIT no. 11/PR/BSPTCL/2021, PR No.-14147/2020-21
--> 1st Time Extension of NIT no. 10/PR/BSPTCL/2021, PR No.-14146/2020-21
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. 06/PR/BSPTCL/2021, PR NO-013537
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT no. 05/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT no. 07/PR/BSPTCL/2021 , PR No. 013566
--> 3rd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. 40/PR/BSPTCL/2020 , PR No- 010411
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT no. 06/PR/BSPTCL/2021 , PR No. 013537
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-02/TRZ-BHAGALPUR/2021
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-01/TRZ-BHAGALPUR/2021
--> Corrigendum for 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. -03/PR/BSPTCL/2021 and PR No. 011483
--> Corrigendum for 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. -02/PR/BSPTCL/2021 and PR No. 011753
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-15/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT no. 02/PR/BSPTCL/2021 , PR No. 011753
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-14/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-13/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-12/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-11/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-10/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> 2nd Tender extension notice for NIT no. 40/PR/BSPTCL/2020 , PR No. 010411
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-09/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-08/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-07/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-06/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> 1st tender extension notice for NIT no. 03/PR/BSPTCL/2021 , PR No. 011483
--> 1st tender extension notice for NIT no. 01/PR/BSPTCL/2021 , PR No. 11486
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-05/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> Corrigendum for 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. -40/PR/BSPTCL/2020 and PR No. 010411
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-04/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-03/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-02/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-01/PR/BSPTCL/2021
--> 4th Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. -33/PR/BSPTCL/2020 and PR No. 007014
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-40/PR/BSPTCL/2020
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-38/PR/BSPTCL/2020
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-37/PR/BSPTCL/2020
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. -36/PR/BSPTCL/2020 and PR No. 8506
--> 3rd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. -28/PR/BSPTCL/2020 and PR No. 006810
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-08/PR/TRZ-Patna/2020
--> 3rd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. -27/PR/BSPTCL/2020 and PR No. 006811
--> 3rd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. -26/PR/BSPTCL/2020 and PR No. 006812
--> 3rd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. -24/PR/BSPTCL/2020 and PR No. 006814
--> 3rd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. -33/PR/BSPTCL/2020 and PR No. 007014
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-07/PR/TRZ-Patna/2020
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-06/PR/TRZ-Patna/2020
--> 2nd tender extension notice for NIT No. -28/PR/BSPTCL/2020 and PR No. 006810
--> Corrigendum for 2nd tender extension notice for NIT No. -23/PR/BSPTCL/2020 and PR No. 006816
--> 3rd tender extension notice for NIT No. -32/PR/BSPTCL/2020 and PR No. 007010
--> 2nd tender extension notice for NIT No. -33/PR/BSPTCL/2020 and PR No. 007014
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-36/PR/BSPTCL/2020
--> Notice Inviting Short Term Tender(NIT) No-35/PR/BSPTCL/2020
--> 2nd tender extension notice for NIT No. -32/PR/BSPTCL/2020
--> 1st tender extension notice for NIT No. -33/PR/BSPTCL/2020 and PR No. 007014
--> 1st tender extension notice for NIT No. -32/PR/BSPTCL/2020 and PR No. 007010
--> 2nd tender extension notice for NIT No. -31/PR/BSPTCL/2020 and PR No. 006908
--> 1st tender extension notice for NIT No. -27/PR/BSPTCL/2020 and PR No. 006811
--> 1st tender extension notice for NIT No. -26/PR/BSPTCL/2020 and PR No. 006812
--> 1st tender extension notice for NIT No. -24/PR/BSPTCL/2020 and PR No. 006814
--> 1st tender extension notice for NIT No. -23/PR/BSPTCL/2020 and PR No. 006816
--> 1st tender extension notice for NIT No. -23/PR/BSPTCL/2020 and PR No. 006813
--> 3rd tender extension notice for NIT No. -21/PR/BSPTCL/2020 and PR No. 007291
--> 1st tender extension notice for NIT No. -28/PR/BSPTCL/2020 and PR No. 6810
--> 2nd tender extension notice for NIT No. -21/PR/BSPTCL/2020 and PR No. 007291
--> 1st tender extension notice for NIT No. -31/PR/BSPTCL/2020 and PR No. 6908
--> Time extension notice for NIT No. -19/PR/BSPTCL/2020 and PR No. 003966
--> 4th time extension notice for NIT No. -18/PR/BSPTCL/2020 and PR No. 02166
--> 4th time extension notice for NIT No. -17/PR/BSPTCL/2020 and PR No. 02172
--> 4th time extension notice for NIT No. -14/PR/BSPTCL/2020 and PR No. 002169
--> 1st time extension notice for NIT No. -21/PR/BSPTCL/2020 and PR No. 005929
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-33/PR/BSPTCL/2020
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-31/PR/BSPTCL/2020
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-28/PR/BSPTCL/2020
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-27/PR/BSPTCL/2020
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-26/PR/BSPTCL/2020
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-25/PR/BSPTCL/2020
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-24/PR/BSPTCL/2020
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-23/PR/BSPTCL/2020
--> Short Tender Notice No 29/PR/BSPTCL/2020
--> Short Tender Notice No 02/TRZ-Patna/2020
--> 3rd Time Extension Notice for NIT No. -18/PR/BSPTCL/2020, PR No-2166
--> 3rd Time Extension Notice for NIT No. -17/PR/BSPTCL/2020, PR No-2172
--> Time extension notice for NIT no. -19/PR/BSPTCL/2020
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-21/PR/BSPTCL/2020
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-22/PR/BSPTCL/2020
--> 2nd time extension notice for NIT no. -15/PR/BSPTCL/2020 and PR No. 2170
--> 2nd time extension notice for NIT no. -14/PR/BSPTCL/2020 and PR No. 2169
--> 2nd time extension notice for NIT no. -16/PR/BSPTCL/2020 and PR No. 2171
--> 2nd time extension notice for NIT no. -17/PR/BSPTCL/2020 and PR No. 2172
--> 2nd time extension notice for NIT no. -18/PR/BSPTCL/2020 and PR No. 2166
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-05/PR/TRZ-Patna/2020
--> 1st time extension notice for NIT no. -16/PR/BSPTCL/2020
--> 1st time extension notice for NIT no. -15/PR/BSPTCL/2020
--> 1st time extension notice for NIT no. -14/PR/BSPTCL/2028
--> 1st time extension notice for NIT no. -17/PR/BSPTCL/2028
--> 1st time extension notice for NIT no. -18/PR/BSPTCL/2028
--> Corrigendum for NIT-03/PR/TRZ-PATNA/2020
--> Corrigendum in NIT no.04/PR/TRZ-Patna/2020
--> Corrigendum in NIT no.03/PR/TRZ-Patna/2020
--> 1st time extension notice for NIT no. -19/PR/BSPTCL/2020
--> 1st time extension notice for NIT no. -12/PR/BSPTCL/2020 PR No. 1774
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-02/PR/TRZ-Patna/2020 PR no.01516
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-19/PR/BSPTCL/2020
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-20/PR/BSPTCL/2020
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-18/PR/BSPTCL/2020
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-17/PR/BSPTCL/2020
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-16/PR/BSPTCL/2020
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-15/PR/BSPTCL/2020
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-14/PR/BSPTCL/2020
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-12/PR/BSPTCL/2020
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-13/PR/BSPTCL/2020
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-02/PR/TRZ-Patna/2020
--> Corrigendum for NIT-09/PR/BSPTCL/2020
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-10/PR/BSPTCL/2020
--> Corrigendum for NIT No.-09/PR/BSPTCL/2020
--> Corrigendum for NIT No.-09/PR/BSPTCL/2020
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-09/PR/BSPTCL/2020
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-08/PR/BSPTCL/2020
--> 1st time extension notice for NIT No.-07/PR/BSPTCL/2020,PR No.14762
--> 1st time extension notice for NIT No.-06/PR/BSPTCL/2020
--> 2nd time extension notice for NIT No.-02/PR/BSPTCL/2020, PR No.-13483
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-43/PR/BSPTCL/2019, PR No.-15150
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-42/PR/BSPTCL/2019, PR No.-15151
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-04/PR/BSPTCL/2020, PR No.-13486
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-03/PR/BSPTCL/2020, PR No.-13485
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-02/PR/BSPTCL/2020, PR No.-13483
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-01/PR/BSPTCL/2020, PR No.-13482
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-43/PR/BSPTCL/2019, PR No.-13350
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-42/PR/BSPTCL/2019, PR No.-13381
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-07/PR/BSPTCL/2020
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-06/PR/BSPTCL/2020
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-05/PR/BSPTCL/2020
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-04/PR/BSPTCL/2020
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-03/PR/BSPTCL/2020
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-02/PR/BSPTCL/2020
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-01/PR/BSPTCL/2020
--> 3rd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No-38/PR/BSPTCL/2019,PR No-010966
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-43/PR/BSPTCL/2019
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-42/PR/BSPTCL/2019
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT no-38/PR/BSPTCL/2019,PR no-010966
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-39/PR/BSPTCL/2019, PR No.-10969
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-38/PR/BSPTCL/2019, PR No.-010966
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-07/PR/TRZ-Patna/2019
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-08/PR/TRZ-Patna/2019
--> 3rd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-35/PR/BSPTCL/2019, PR No.-008393
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-41/PR/BSPTCL/2019
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-40/PR/BSPTCL/2019(Offline)
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-35/PR/BSPTCL/2019, PR No.-008393
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-39/PR/BSPTCL/2019
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-38/PR/BSPTCL/2019
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-35/PR/BSPTCL/2019, PR No.-008393
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-37/PR/BSPTCL/2019
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-36/PR/BSPTCL/2019
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-34/PR/BSPTCL/2019
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-33/PR/BSPTCL/2019, PR No.-7209
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-35/PR/BSPTCL/2019
--> Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-32/PR/BSPTCL/2019 PR NO 07382
--> Corrigendum for Tender Extension for NIT No.-32/PR/BSPTCL/2019,PR No-6392
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-33/PR/BSPTCL/2019
--> Corrigendum for NIT No.-32/PR/BSPTCL/2019,PR No-5975
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No.32/PR/BSPTCL/2019
--> Time extension notice for NIT- 29/PRBSPTCL/2019 PR no 4717
--> 1st tender extension notice fot NIT- 30/PR/BSPTCL2019(PR-04716)
--> 3rd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-27/PR/BSPTCL/2019,PR No-5443
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-06/PR/TRZ-Patna/2019
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-27/PR/BSPTCL/2019
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No.31/PR/BSPTCL/2019
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No.29/PR/BSPTCL/2019
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No.05/PR/TRZ-PATNA/2019
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No.30/PR/BSPTCL/2019
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-27/PR/BSPTCL/2019(PR No-02816)
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No.28/PR/BSPTCL/2019
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No.02/PRlTRZ-Patna/2019
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-27/PR/BSPTCL/2019
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-26/PR/BSPTCL/2019
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-25/PR/BSPTCL/2019
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-14/PR/BSPTCL/2019
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-09/PR/BSPTCL/2019
--> 3rd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-08/PR/BSPTCL/2019,PR No-014928
--> 3rd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-02/PR/BSPTCL/2019,PR No-14926
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-12/PR/BSPTCL/2019, PR No-17093
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-19/PR/BSPTCL/2019
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-18/PR/BSPTCL/2019
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-17/PR/BSPTCL/2019
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-20/PR/BSPTCL/2019
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-16/PR/BSPTCL/2019
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-15/PR/BSPTCL/2019
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-08/PR/BSPTCL/2019
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-14/PR/BSPTCL/2019
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-13/PR/BSPTCL/2019
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-11/PR/BSPTCL/2019
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-12/PR/BSPTCL/2019
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-10/PR/BSPTCL/2019
--> Corrigendum for 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-08/PR/BSPTCL/2019,PR No-014928
--> Corrigendum for 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-06/PR/BSPTCL/2019,PR No-014929
--> Corrigendum for 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-05/PR/BSPTCL/2019,PR No-014995
--> Corrigendum for 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-04/PR/BSPTCL/2019,PR No-14927
--> Corrigendum for 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-03/PR/BSPTCL/2019,PR No-14925
--> Corrigendum for 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-02/PR/BSPTCL/2019,PR No-14926
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-09/PR/BSPTCL/2019
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-01/PR/BSPTCL/2019,PR No-014489
--> Corrigendum for NIT No-134/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-135/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-13762
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-131/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-130/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-08/PR/BSPTCL/2019
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-07/PR/BSPTCL/2019
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-06/PR/BSPTCL/2019
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-05/PR/BSPTCL/2019
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-04/PR/BSPTCL/2019
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-03/PR/BSPTCL/2019
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-02/PR/BSPTCL/2019
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-134/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-12187
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-01/PR/BSPTCL/2019
--> Corrigendum for NIT No-134/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-134/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-12630
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-128/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-12851
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-135/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-134/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-129/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-11450
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-128/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-11447
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-127/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-11448
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-126/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-11446
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-125/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-11445
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-124/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-11304
--> Revised Tender Notice(NIT) No-133/PR/BSPTCL/2018, PR No-012444
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-122/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-10991
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-121/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-10988
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-120/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-10987
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-133/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> 5th Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-43/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-5833
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-132/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> 4th Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-75/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6558
--> 4th Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-74/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6557
--> Tender Extension Notice for (NIT) No-80/PR/BSPTCL/2018, PR No-6556
--> Tender Extension Notice for (NIT) No-82/PR/BSPTCL/2018, PR No-6560
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-114/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-10620
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-111/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-10825
--> 4th Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-73/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6448
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-113/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-10579
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-112/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-10567
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-110/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-10575
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-109/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-10591
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-108/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-10585
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-107/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-10626
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-129/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-128/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-127/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-126/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-125/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-124/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-123/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-79/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-10111
--> 4th Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-43/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-5833
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-122/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-121/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-120/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-119/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-118/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-118/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> 3rd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-84/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6536
--> 3rd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-75/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6558
--> 3rd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-73/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6448
--> 3rd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-74/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6557
--> 4th Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-70/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6421
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-117/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-116/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-82/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6560
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-115/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-111/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> 4th Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-83/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6537
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-114/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-113/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-112/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-110/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-109/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-108/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-107/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> 3rd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-42/PR/BSPTCL/2018 Package-B,PR No-5815
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-01/PR/TRZ/MUZ/BSPTCL/2018
--> Tender Notice (NIT) No-80/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Tender Notice (NIT) No-79/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> 3rd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-83/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6537
--> 3rd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-43/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-5833
--> 3rd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-37/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-5859
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-79/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> 3rd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-40/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-5841
--> 3rd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-39/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-5840
--> 3rd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-34/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-5987
--> 3rd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-70/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6421
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-106/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Corrigendum for NIT No.-102/PR/BSPTCL/2018, PR no - 9210
--> Corrigendum for NIQ No.-101/PR/BSPTCL/2018, PR no - 9209
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-105/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-95/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6500
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-83/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6437
--> 3rd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-69/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6452
--> 3rd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-55/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6385
--> 3rd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-28/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-8059
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-85/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6546
--> Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-67/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-8501
--> 3rd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-60/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6401
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-104/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> 3rd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-78/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6553
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-103/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-84/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6536
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-73/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6448
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-101/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-102/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-80/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6556
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-75/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6558
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-74/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6557
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-81/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6561
--> Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-82/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6560
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-63/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6457
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-47/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-13263
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-37/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-5859
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-86/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6542
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-41/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-5843
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-40/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-5841
--> Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-39/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-5840
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-38/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-5838
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-35/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-5817
--> Corrigendum for NIT No.-34/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-5987
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-49/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6389
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-42/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-5815
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-46/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Corrigendum for NIT No.-69/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6452
--> Corrigendum for NIT No.-60/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6401
--> Corrigendum for NIT No.-66/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6449
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-91/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6477
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-88/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6479
--> Corrigendum for NIT No.-50/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6417
--> Corrigendum for NIT No.-72/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6450
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-87/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6496
--> Corrigendum for NIT No.-54/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-7773
--> Corrigendum for NIT No.-64/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6376
--> Corrigendum for NIT No.-57/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-7782
--> Corrigendum for NIT No.-51/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-7775
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-33/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-8159
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-79/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6554
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-56/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6392
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-55/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6385
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-43/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-5833
--> Corrigendum for NIT No.-58/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6422
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-90/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6486
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-94/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6470
--> Corrigendum for NIT No.-61/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6445
--> Corrigendum for NIT No.-71/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6456
--> Corrigendum for NIT No.-62/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6446
--> Corrigendum for NIT No.-92/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6498
--> Corrigendum for NIT No.-93/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6501
--> Corrigendum for NIT No.-83/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6537
--> Corrigendum for NIT No.-52/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6382
--> Corrigendum for NIT No.-70/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6421
--> Corrigendum for NIT No.-77/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6563
--> Corrigendum for NIT No.-78/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6553
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-67/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6424
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-85/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6546
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-100/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-63/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6457
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-95/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6500
--> Corrigendum for NIT No.-38/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-5838
--> Corrigendum for NIT No.-41/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-5843
--> Corrigendum for NIT No.-86/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6542
--> Corrigendum for NIT No.-40/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-5841
--> Corrigendum for NIT No.-37/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-5859
--> Corrigendum for NIT No.-35/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-5817
--> Corrigendum for NIT No.-34/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-5987
--> Corrigendum for NIT No.-39/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-5840
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-28/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6158
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-47/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-13263
--> Corrigendum for NIT No.-36/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-5805
--> Corrigendum for NIT No.-33/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-12076
--> Corrigendum for NIT No.-32/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-11691
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-78/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6553
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-77/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6563
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-72/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6450
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-71/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6456
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-70/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6421
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-69/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6452
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-66/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6449
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-64/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6376
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-62/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6446
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-61/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6445
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-60/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6401
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-57/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6393
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-54/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6390
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-53/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6379
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-52/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6382
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-51/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6384
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-50/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6417
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-46/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-96/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-99/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-98/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-49/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6389
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-58/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6422
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-56/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6392
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-55/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6385
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-48/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-6373
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-43/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-5833
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-42/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-5815
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-97/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-41/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-5843
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-40/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-5841
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-38/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-5838
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-37/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-5859
--> 1st Time Extension Tender Notice for NIT No.-33/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-12076
--> 2nd Time Extension Tender Notice for NIT No.-32/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-11691
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-39/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-5840
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-36/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-5805
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-35/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-5817
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-34/PR/BSPTCL/2018,PR No-5987
--> Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) No.-05/PR/TRZ-Patna/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-95/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-94/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-93/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-92/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-91/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-90/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-89/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-88/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-87/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-86/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-85/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-84/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-83/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-82/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-81/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-80/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-65/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-63/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-62/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-61/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-60/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-79/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-78/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-77/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-76/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-75/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-74/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-72/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-69/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-66/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-68/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-02/PR/TRZ-Patna/2018 and PR No. 2598/2018-19 Sl. No. 02
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-04/PR/TRZ-Patna/2018 and PR No. 4644/2018-19
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-71/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-70/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-67/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-64/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-58/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-52/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-50/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-47/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-56/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-55/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-49/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-48/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-57/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-51/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-53/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-54/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-46/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-45/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> 1st tender extension notice for NIT no. -32/PR/BSPTCL/2018 PR No-11691
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-44/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> 2nd time tender extension notice for NIT no. -27/PR/BSPTCL/2018 PR No-9508
--> 2nd time tender extension notice for NIT no. -22/PR/BSPTCL/2018 PR No-9506
--> 1st tender extension notice for NIT no. -28/PR/BSPTCL/2018 PR No-10306
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-43/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-42/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-41/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-38/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-35/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-40/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-39/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-37/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-36/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-34/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> 3rd Time Tender Extension Notice(NIT) No.-12/PR/BSPTCL/2018 (PR No.-6157)
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-33/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> 2nd Time Tender Extension Notice(NIT) No.-18/PR/BSPTCL/2018 (PR No.-7979)
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice(NIT) No.-23/PR/BSPTCL/2018 (PR No.-3347)
--> 2nd Time Tender Extension Notice(NIT) No.-17/PR/BSPTCL/2018 (PR No.-4021)
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-32/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice(NIT) No.-27/PR/BSPTCL/2018 (PR No.-9508)
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice(NIT) No.-24/PR/BSPTCL/2018 (PR No.-9845)
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice(NIT) No.-22/PR/BSPTCL/2018 (PR No.-9506)
--> 2nd time Tender Extension Notice(NIT) No.-15/PR/BSPTCL/2018 (PR No.-3346)
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-31/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Quotation(NIQ) No-30/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-29/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice(NIT) No.-03/PR/TRZ-Patna/2018 (PR No.-1727/2018-19)
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice(NIT) No.-18/PR/BSPTCL/2018 (PR No.-7979)
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice(NIT) No.-12/PR/BSPTCL/2018 (PR No.-6157)
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice(NIT) No.-17/PR/BSPTCL/2018 (PR No.-8407)
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-28/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-27/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-26/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-25/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-24/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice(NIT) No.-15/PR/BSPTCL/2018 (PR No.-7294)
--> NIT No. 23/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> NIT No. 22/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice(NIT) No.-14/PR/BSPTCL/2018 (PR No.-6381)
--> NIT No. 21/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice inviting Tender(NIT) No-19/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Corrigendum for Tender Notice(NIT) No-17/PR/BSPTCL/2018 (PR No. 1729/2018-19)
--> Tender Notice(NIT) No-17/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice(NIT) No.-08/PR/BSPTCL/2018 (PR No.-14365)
--> Tender Notice(NIT) No. 15/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Tender Notice (NIT) No. 14/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Tender Notice (NIT) No. 13/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> NIT No. 11/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> 2nd Time extension Tender Notice (NIT) No. 01/PR/BSPTCL/2018 Gr. No.-02 Pr. No.-2218
--> Tender Notice (NIT) No. 16/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No.-09/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-01/PR/BSPTCL/2018 PR No - 2218
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-04/PR/BSPTCL/2018 PR No - 2217
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-03/PR/BSPTCL/2018 PR No - 2214
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.-05/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> 3rd time tender extension for Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-37/PR/BSPTCL/2017(PR No.-13179)
--> 2nd Time extension Tender Notice (NIT) No. 37/PR/BSPTCL/2017 (PR No-10042)
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-05/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-03/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-02/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-01/PR/BSPTCL/2018
--> 1st Time extension Tender Notice (NIT) No. 37/PR/BSPTCL/2017 (PR No-10042)
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No-39/PR/BSPTCL/2017
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No-36/PR/BSPTCL/2017 (PR No-10041)
--> 1st Time extension Tender Notice for NIT No-38/PR/BSPTCL/2017 (PR No-7053)
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No-35/PR/BSPTCL/2017 PR No-9853
--> Auction of fruits of Mango trees located at the residential colonies of Trans Circle, Bhagalpur
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No. 38/PR/BSPTCL/2017
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No. 37/PR/BSPTCL/2017
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No. 36/PR/BSPTCL/2017
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No. 35/PR/BSPTCL/2017
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No. 34/PR/BSPTCL/2017
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No. 33/PR/BSPTCL/2017
--> 2nd Time Extension Notice for Appointment of Tariff Regulatory Consultant for BSPTCL for FY 2018-19
--> 2nd Time Extension Notice (NIT) No-23/PR/BSPTCL/2017 PR No-4697
--> 4th Tender Extension ICB No. 35/Package O-1/BSPTCL/ADB/2017 and PR No.-3010
--> Appointment of Tariff Regulatory Consultant for BSPTCL for FY 2018-19 NIT NO.- 29/PR/BSPTCL/2017
--> 1st Time Extension Notice (NIT) NO- 27/PR/BSPTCL/2017 and PR NO - 6502
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice (NIT) No-17/PR/BSPTCL/2017 PR No-2901
--> 3rd Tender Extension ICB No- 35/Package O-1/BSPTCL/ADB/2017 and PR NO - 3010
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No. 32/PR/BSPTCL/2017
--> Tender Notice(NIT) No. 31/PR/BSPTCL/2017
--> Tender Notice(NIT) No. 30/PR/BSPTCL/2017
--> 4th Tender Extension Notice (NIT) No- 19/PR/BSPTCL/2017 and PR NO - 3409
--> Tender Notice(NIT) No. 29/PR/BSPTCL/2017
--> Tender Notice(NIT) No. 27/PR/BSPTCL/2017
--> Tender Notice(NIT) No. 26/PR/BSPTCL/2017
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No. 01/PR/TRZ/MUZ/2017
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No. 25/PR/BSPTCL/2017
--> 3rd Tender Extension Notice (NIT) No- 19/PR/BSPTCL/2017 and PR NO - 3409
--> 1st Time Extension Notice (NIT) N0- 23/PR/BSPTCL/2017 and PR NO - 4697
--> 2nd Tender Extension ICB No- 35/Package O-1/BSPTCL/ADB/2017 and PR NO - 3010
--> 3rd Tender Extension Notice (NIT) N0- 16/PR/BSPTCL/2017 and PR NO - 2715
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice (NIT) N0- 11/PR/BSPTCL/2017 and PR NO - 1949
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice (NIT) N0- 20/PR/BSPTCL/2017 and PR NO - 3746
--> 1st Tender Extension ICB 35/package O-1/BSPTCL/ADB and PR NO - 3010
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No. 22/PR/BSPTCL/2017
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice (NIT) No. 20/PR/BSPTCL/2017 and PR No.-3746
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice (NIT) No. 19/PR/BSPTCL/2017 PR No.-3409
--> 1st Time Extension Notice (NIT) No. 18/PR/BSPTCL/2017 (PR No.-3408)
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice (NIT) No. 16/PR/BSPTCL/2017 PR No.-2715
--> Tender Notice (NIT) No. 23/PR/ BSPTCL/2017
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No. 24/PR/BSPTCL/2017
--> Notice Inviting Tender(NIT) No. 22/PR/BSPTCL/2017
--> Nit No. 21/PR/BSPTCL/2017
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice (NIT) No - 11/PR/BSPTCL/2017 PR No - 1949
--> 1st Tender Extension of Notice for NIT No - 16/PR/BSPTCL/2017 PR No - 2715
--> Tender Notice(NIT) No. 20/PR/BSPTCL/2017
--> Tender Notice(NIT) No. 19/PR/BSPTCL/2017
--> Tender Notice(NIT) No. 18/PR/BSPTCL/2017
--> International Competitive Bidding ICB 34/package N-1/BSPTCL/ADB/2017 and ICB 35/package O-1/BSPTCL/A
--> 1st Tender Extension of Notice for NIT No - 12/PR/BSPTCL/2017 PR No - 2010
--> 1st Tender Extension of Notice for NIT No - 14/PR/BSPTCL/2017 PR No - 1950
--> Tender Notice(NIT) No. 17/PR/BSPTCL/2017
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice No. 9/PR/BSPTCL/2017
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice No. 10/PR/BSPTCL/2017
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice(NIT) No 10/PR/BSPTCL/2017 (PR No-1634(NI.NI.) 17-18)
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice(NIT) No 09/PR/BSPTCL/2017 PR No-1564
--> Tender Notice(NIT) No. 16/PR/BSPTCL/2017
--> Tender Notice(NIT) No. 15/PR/BSPTCL/2017
--> Tender Notice(NIT) No. 12/PR/BSPTCL/2017
--> Tender Notice(NIT) No. 11/PR/BSPTCL/2017
--> Tender Notice(NIT) No.- 14/PR/BSPTCL/2017
--> Short Tender Notice(NIT) No. 13/PR/BSPTCL/2017
--> Tender Notice(NIT) No.- 10/PR/BSPTCL/2017
--> Tender Notice(NIT) No.- 09/PR/BSPTCL/2017
--> Tender Notice(NIT) No.-12/PR/BSPTCL/2017
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice(NIT) No.-08/PR/BSPTCL/2017 and PR No.-123
--> 3rd Tender Extension Notice(NIT) No-04/PR/BSPTCL/2017 and PR No-12712
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice(NIT) No - 07/PR/BSPTCL/2017 and PR No- 13811
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice(NIT) No - 06_PR_BSPTCL_2017 and PR No- 13522
--> Tender Notice (NIT) No. 08/PR/BSPTCL/2017
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice(NIT) No - 04_PR_BSPTCL_2017 and PR No- 12712
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice(NIT) No - 07/PR/BSPTCL/2017 and PR No- 13811
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice(NIT) No - 05/PR/BSPTCL/2017 PR No- 13232
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice(NIT) No - 06/PR/BSPTCL/2017 PR No- 13522
--> 3rd time extension Notice(NIT) No - 51/PR/BSPTCL/2016 (PR No- 10954)
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice(NIT) No - 04/PR/BSPTCL/2017 PR No- 12712
--> Tender Notice (NIT) No. 07/PR/BSPTCL/2017
--> Tender Notice (NIT) No. 06/PR/BSPTCL/2017
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice(NIT) No. 03/PR/BSPTCL/2017 PR No-12349
--> 4th Tender Extension NIT No. 49/PR/BSPTCL/2016 PR No. - 9936
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice(NIT) No. 51/PR/BSPTCL/2016- PR No.-10954
--> Tender Notice (NIT) No. 05/PR/BSPTCL/2017
--> 3rd Tender Extension Notice(NIT) No. 49/PR/BSPTCL/2016- PR No.-9936
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice(NIT) No. 02/PR/BSPTCL/2017
--> Tender Notice (NIT) No. 04/PR/BSPTCL/2017
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice (NIT) No. 52/PR/BSPTCL/2016 PR No-11065
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice (NIT) No. 51/PR/BSPTCL/2016 PR No-10954
--> 3rd Tender Extension Notice (NIT) No. 48/PR/BSPTCL/2016 PR No-9937
--> Tender Notice (NIT) No. 03/PR/BSPTCL/2017
--> 2nd Tender Extension NIT No. 49/PR/BSPTCL/2016
--> NIT No. 01/PR/BSPTCL/2017
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice For NIT NO.48/PR/BSPTCL/2016 (PR No-9937)
--> Tender Notice (NIT) No. 02/PR/BSPTCL/2017
--> Tender Notice (NIT) No. 53/PR/BSPTCL/2016
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice For NITNO.47/PR/BSPTCL/2016 (PR No-9739)
--> 1st Tender Extension NIT No. 48/PR/BSPTCL/2016
--> 1st Tender Extension NIT No. 49/PR/BSPTCL/2016
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice For NITNO.43/PR/BSPTCL/2016 (PR No-9159)
--> Tender Notice (NIT) No. 52/PR/BSPTCL/2016
--> 1st Tender Extension NIT No. 48/PR/BSPTCL/2016
--> 5th Tender Extension NIT No. 31/PR/BSPTCL/2016
--> 2nd Tender Extension NIT No. 46/PR/BSPTCL/2016
--> Tender Notice (NIT) No. 51/PR/BSPTCL/2016
--> 1st Tender Extension NIT No. 47/PR/BSPTCL/2016
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. - 43/PR/BSPTCL/2016(PR No. 9159)
--> 1st Tender Extension Notice for NIT No. - 44/PR/BSPTCL/2016(PR No. 9161)
--> NIT No. 50/PR/BSPTCL/2016
--> 1st Tender Extension NIT No. 46/PR/BSPTCL/2016
--> 4th Tender Extension NIT No. 31/PR/BSPTCL/2016 PR No. - 6348
--> NIT No. 48/PR/BSPTCL/2016
--> NIT No. 49/PR/BSPTCL/2016
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.38/PR/BSPTCL/2016(PR No.-8158)
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No.36/PR/BSPTCL/2016(PR No.-7815)
--> 4th Tender Extension Notice NIT No. 34/PR/BSPTCL/2016
--> NIT No. 47/PR/BSPTCL/2016
--> 1st Tender Extension NIT No. 40/PR/BSPTCL/2016
--> 1st Tender Extension NIT No. 38/PR/BSPTCL/2016
--> 1st Tender Extension NIT No. 36/PR/BSPTCL/2016
--> 3rd Tender Extension NIT No. 34/PR/BSPTCL/2016
--> NIT No. 45/PR/BSPTCL/2016
--> NIT No. 44/PR/BSPTCL/2016
--> NIT No. 43/PR/BSPTCL/2016
--> NIT No.42/PR/BSPTCL/2016
--> NIT No-41/PR/BSPTCL/2016
--> NIT NO. 40/PR/BSPTCL/2016
--> 2nd Tender Extension Notice for NIT No-31/PR/BSPTCL/2016 PR No-6348
--> 38/PR/BSPTCL/2016
--> 33/PR/BSPTCL/2016
--> NIT NO. 30/PR/BSPTCL/2016
--> 37/PR/BSPTCL/2016
--> 36/PR/BSPTCL/2016
--> 29/PR/BSPTCL/2016 and PR No. 5274
--> NIT No. 35/PR/BSPTCL/2016
--> NIT No. 33/PR/BSPTCL/2016
--> NIT No. 32/PR/BSPTCL/2016
--> NIT No. 31/PR/BSPTCL/2016
--> NIT No. 30/PR/BSPTCL/2016
--> NIT No. 28/PR/BSPTCL/2016
--> Invitation for International Competitive Bidding (ICBs) under ADB Loan 2681-IND
--> NIT 22/PR/BSPTCL/2016
--> NIT 21/PR/BSPTCL/2016
--> NIT 20/PR/BSPTCL/2016
--> NIT NO.-17/PR/BSPTCL/2016
--> International Competitive Bidding - ADB
--> Online Tenders are invited by Chief Engineer(Transmission) against NIT No. 14/PR/BSPCL/2016
--> Online Tenders are invited by Chief Engineer(Transmission) against NIT No. 87/PR/BSPCL/2015
--> Online Tenders are invited by Chief Engineer(Transmission) against NIT No. 81/PR/BSPCL/2015
--> Online Tenders are invited by Chief Engineer(Transmission) against NIT No. 72-78/PR/BSPCL/2015
--> Cancellation of Construction of Line Bays
--> Online Tenders are invited by Chief Engineer(Transmission) against NIT No. 71/PR/BSPCL/2015
--> Tender is invited by GM (HR/Adm), BSPTCL for procurement of Franking Machine against NIT No.55/PR/BS
--> Auction of fruits of Mango trees located at the residential colonies of Transmission Circle, Bhagalp
--> Tenders are invited for providing Insurance services for Company assets and Properties from Insuranc
--> Tender is invited by Chief Engineer(Civil)against NIT No-80/PR/BSPTCL/2014
--> Tender Notice for Appointment of Tariff Consultant of BSPTCL for FY 2015-16 against NIT No.54/PR/BSP
--> Tender is invited for complete dismantling of BSPTCL Microwave tower at Vidyut Bhawan, Patna includi
--> Tender is invited for complete dismantling of BSPTCL Microwave tower at Vidyut Bhawan, Patna includi
--> Tender is invited for complete dismantling of BSPTCL Microwave tower at Vidyut Bhawan, Patna includi
--> Supply of different types of Forms/ Books/ Registers etc. as mentioned in the BOQ against NIT No.45/